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Removing your repository#

To stop Codacy from analyzing your repository, you must remove the repository from Codacy.

Removing a repository from Codacy completely removes the configurations and all data related to your repository from Codacy. This operation doesn't make any changes on your Git provider.


To remove a repository from Codacy you must have administrator permissions for that repository on your Git provider.

To delete your repository from Codacy:

  1. Open your repository Settings, tab General.

  2. Click the button Remove repository and confirm that you want to remove the repository.

    Removing your repository


    For added security, after you remove the repository from Codacy you can delete from your Git provider the Codacy resources related to that repository to prevent their reuse:

    • Webhooks
    • SSH keys (GitLab and Bitbucket only)

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Last modified February 19, 2024