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Self-hosted v13.0.0#

These release notes are for Codacy Self-hosted v13.0.0, released on November 23, 2023.

📢 Visit the Codacy roadmap and let us know your feedback on both new and planned product updates!

Upgrading Codacy Self-hosted#

Follow the steps below to upgrade to Codacy Self-hosted v13.0.0:

  1. Check the release notes for all Codacy Self-hosted versions between your current version and the most recent version for breaking changes and follow the instructions provided carefully.

  2. Follow the instructions to upgrade your Codacy Self-hosted instance.

  3. Update your Codacy command-line tools to the following versions:

Support for ingress-nginx chart 4.8.3#

This version of Codacy Self-hosted adds support for ingress-nginx chart 4.8.3, which fixes the following vulnerabilities:


Although ingress-nginx chart 4.8.3 officially supports Kubernetes version 1.25 to 1.28, we tested this version of Codacy Self-hosted using ingress-nginx chart 4.8.3 on all the supported Kubernetes versions, 1.22.* to 1.26.*. All tests were successful in accordance with our quality assurance standards.

Upgrading ingress-nginx chart to version 4.8.3#


  • If you applied custom configurations to ingress-nginx different from the Codacy's values-nginx.yaml file, follow the ingress-nginx documentation to upgrade your installation.
  • If your NGINX Ingress Controller is shared by other components out of Codacy's installation scope, check those components documentation to evaluate the impact of this upgrade.

If you have any questions regarding the above scenarios or need help, please contact

If your Codacy Self-hosted setup uses a dedicated NGINX Ingress Controller that follows Codacy's installation instructions with no custom configurations, you can upgrade ingress-nginx chart to version 4.8.3 by executing the steps below:

  1. Download the updated configuration file values-nginx.yaml for the NGINX Ingress Controller, which enables enableAnnotationValidations.

  2. Run the following script:

    kubectl create namespace codacy
    helm repo add ingress-nginx
    helm repo update
    helm upgrade --install --namespace codacy --version 4.8.3 nginx-ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx -f values-nginx.yaml


This ingress-nginx chart upgrade can be applied to Codacy Self-hosted v10.0 and later.

Product enhancements#

Bug fixes#

  • Fixed an incorrect popup being shown when loading the repository Code patterns page. (PLUTO-717)

Tool deprecations#

This version of Codacy Self-hosted deprecates the following tools: CSSLint, Faux Pas, JSHint, Tailor, and TSLint.

These tools have become deprecated or stopped being updated by their maintainers and started providing a bad experience to Codacy users either by reporting false positives or causing other unexpected issues.

To continue analyzing your repositories, enable the replacement tool for the corresponding deprecated tool listed below on the code patterns page of each affected repository or in your organization coding standard, if you are using one:

Deprecated tool Replacement tool
CSSLint Stylelint
Faux Pas Clang-Tidy
JSHint ESLint
Tailor SwiftLint
TSLint ESLint

The suggested replacement tools are enabled by default for new repositories, except for Clang Tidy, which is a client-side tool.

If you have any questions or need help, please contact

Tool versions#

This version of Codacy Self-hosted includes the tool versions below. The tools that were updated on this version are highlighted in bold:

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Last modified November 23, 2023