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Self-hosted v12.0.0#

These release notes are for Codacy Self-hosted v12.0.0, released on July 20, 2023.

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Upgrading Codacy Self-hosted#

Follow the steps below to upgrade to Codacy Self-hosted v12.0.0:

  1. Check the release notes for all Codacy Self-hosted versions between your current version and the most recent version for breaking changes and follow the instructions provided carefully.

  2. Follow the instructions to upgrade your Codacy Self-hosted instance.

  3. Update your Codacy command-line tools to the following versions:

Breaking changes#

  • If you have set scheduler.enable: "true" in values-production.yaml (or values-microk8s.yaml if using MicroK8s), do the following before updating Kubernetes.

    Assuming you're using the default codacy namespace:

    1. Remove all scheduler.* settings from values-production.yaml (or values-microk8s.yaml if using MicroK8s)

    2. Update the ConfigMap of codacy-worker-manager:

      kubectl patch configmap/codacy-worker-manager --namespace codacy --type merge --patch '{"data":{"CONFIG_FORCE_codacy_kubernetes_scheduler_enable": "false","CONFIG_FORCE_codacy_kubernetes_scheduler_name":"default-scheduler"}}'
    3. Restart the codacy-worker-manager Deployment:

      kubectl rollout restart deployment/codacy-worker-manager -n codacy
    4. List any pending worker Pods:

      kubectl get pods -l app=worker --field-selector=status.phase=Pending -n codacy
    5. If there are any pending worker Pods, remove them:


      This is a destructive action. Make sure you understand the consequences.

      kubectl delete pods -l app=worker --field-selector=status.phase=Pending -n codacy
  • If you're upgrading your Kubernetes installation to v1.25, make sure to do the following in the recommended order to avoid service outages:

    1. Upgrade to Codacy Self-hosted v12.0.0

    2. If using the monitoring functionality Grafana + Prometheus + Loki, update Loki and Promtail by following the latest respective installation instructions (Loki, Promtail).

    3. Upgrade Kubernetes to v1.25

Product enhancements#

Tool versions#

This version of Codacy Self-hosted includes the tool versions below. The tools that were updated on this version are highlighted in bold:

  • Ameba 1.4.3 (updated from 0.13.1)
  • Bandit 1.7.0
  • Brakeman 4.3.1
  • bundler-audit 0.6.1
  • Checkov 2.3.187 (updated from 2.1.188)
  • Checkstyle 10.3.1
  • Clang-Tidy 10.0.1
  • CodeNarc 3.2.0
  • CoffeeLint 2.1.0
  • Cppcheck 2.10.3 (updated from 2.10)
  • Credo 1.4.0
  • CSSLint 1.0.5
  • dartanalyzer 2.17.0
  • detekt 1.22.0 (updated from 1.19.0)
  • ESLint 8.34.0
  • ESLint (deprecated) 7.32.0
  • Faux-Pas 1.7.2
  • Flawfinder 2.0.19
  • Gosec 2.15.0 (updated from 2.8.1)
  • Hadolint 1.18.2
  • Jackson Linter 2.14.2
  • JSHint 2.13.5
  • markdownlint 0.26.2
  • PHP Mess Detector 2.13.0
  • PHP_CodeSniffer 3.7.2
  • PMD 6.55.0
  • Prospector 1.10.2 (updated from 1.7.7)
  • PSScriptAnalyzer 1.18.3
  • Pylint 2.17.3 (updated from 2.17.0)
  • Pylint (deprecated) 1.9.5
  • remark-lint 7.0.1
  • Revive 1.3.2 (updated from 1.2.3)
  • RuboCop 1.52.1 (updated from 1.39.0)
  • Scalastyle 1.5.0
  • ShellCheck v0.9.0
  • SonarC# 8.40
  • SonarVB 8.15
  • Spectral 1.16.0 (updated from 1.2.7)
  • SpotBugs 4.7.3
  • SQLint 0.2.1
  • Staticcheck 2022.1.3
  • Stylelint 15.9.0 (updated from 14.16.1)
  • SwiftLint 0.50.3
  • Tailor 0.12.0
  • TSLint 6.1.3
  • TSQLLint 1.11.1
  • Unity Roslyn Analyzers 1.14.0

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Last modified July 20, 2023