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Cloud March 2024#

These release notes are for the Codacy Cloud updates during March 2024.

📢 Visit the Codacy roadmap and let us know your feedback on both new and planned product updates!

Product enhancements#

  • Streamlined new organization setup with a guided path for adding new organizations and a setup checklist on the Organization overview page. (ALA-825)
  • It's now possible to display penetration testing results in the Codacy app. See how to start pen testing with Codacy. (TAROT-2553)
  • It's now possible to unfollow a repository through the Codacy app. (PLUTO-902)
  • In Enterprise plans where Codacy automatically manages seat usage for your organization, the billing period is now based only on the code analysis activity. Codacy app users who don’t contribute to your private repositories no longer occupy a seat. (PLUTO-867)

Bug fixes#

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Security and risk management items from linking to their respective Jira issues. (TAROT-2648)
  • Fixed an issue preventing pull requests from showing on Codacy due to Git operations timeout when synchronizing the current state of a repository. (IO-1019)
  • Fixed an issue that caused sidebar labels to overlap interactive interface elements on smaller screens. (CY-7193)
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Codacy from calculating diff coverage correctly when the diff contained only removed files. (ALA-921)

Feature removal#

  • We removed the option to bulk copy code patterns between repositories and to import code pattern configurations from another repository. If you want to share tool and code pattern configurations between repositories, the recommended approach is to use a coding standard. (ALA-826)

Tool versions#

Codacy Cloud now includes the tool versions below. The tools that were recently updated are highlighted in bold:

  • Ameba 1.5.0
  • Bandit 1.7.5
  • Brakeman 4.3.1
  • bundler-audit (deprecated) 0.9.1
  • Checkov 3.2.37 (updated from 3.0.25)
  • Checkstyle 10.13.0
  • Clang-Tidy 10.0.1
  • CodeNarc 3.3.0
  • CoffeeLint 5.2.11
  • Cppcheck 2.13.0 (updated from 2.12.0)
  • Credo 1.7.2
  • CSSLint (deprecated) 1.0.5
  • dartanalyzer 3.3.3 (updated from 3.3.0)
  • detekt 1.23.5
  • ESLint 8.57.0 (updated from 8.56.0)
  • ESLint (deprecated) 7.32.0
  • Faux-Pas 1.7.2
  • Flawfinder 2.0.19
  • Gosec 2.15.0
  • Hadolint 1.18.2
  • Jackson Linter 2.15.2
  • JSHint (deprecated) 2.13.6
  • markdownlint 0.33.0
  • PHP Mess Detector 2.14.1
  • PHP_CodeSniffer 3.7.2
  • PMD 6.55.0
  • Prospector 1.10.3
  • PSScriptAnalyzer 1.21.0
  • Pylint 3.1.0 (updated from 3.0.3)
  • Pylint (deprecated) 1.9.5
  • remark-lint 9.1.2
  • Revive 1.3.7
  • RuboCop 1.60.2
  • Scalastyle 1.5.1
  • Semgrep 1.66.0 (updated from 1.61.1)
  • ShellCheck v0.9.0
  • SonarC# 9.19
  • SonarVB 8.15
  • Spectral 1.18.1 (updated from 1.18.0)
  • SpotBugs 4.8.3
  • SQLint 0.2.1
  • Staticcheck 2023.1.6
  • Stylelint 15.10.3
  • SwiftLint 0.54.0
  • Tailor 0.12.0
  • Trivy 0.47.0
  • TSLint (deprecated) 6.1.3
  • TSQLLint 1.11.1
  • Unity Roslyn Analyzers 1.19.0 (updated from 1.17.0)

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Last modified April 9, 2024