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Deprecation of CSSLint, JSHint, Faux Pas, Tailor, TSLint October 25, 2023#

On October 25th 2023 we deprecated the following tools: CSSLint, Faux Pas, JSHint, Tailor, and TSLint.

These tools have become deprecated or stopped being updated by their maintainers and started providing a bad experience to Codacy users either by reporting false positives or causing other unexpected issues.

We've been working on alternatives for each deprecated tool. See what to do if you are using one of the deprecated tools.

Removal of CSSLint and TSLint January 1, 2024#

On January 1st, 2024 we'll be removing the following tools from Codacy: CSSLint and TSLint.

The remaining deprecated tools (Faux Pas, JSHint, and Tailor) will be removed later. You can follow the Codacy release notes for further updates.

If you are using one of these tools#

To continue analyzing your repositories, enable the replacement tool for the corresponding deprecated tool listed below in your organization coding standards (recommended) or on the code patterns page of each affected repository:

Deprecated tool Replacement tool
CSSLint Stylelint
Faux Pas Clang-Tidy
JSHint ESLint
Tailor SwiftLint
TSLint ESLint

The suggested replacement tools are enabled by default for new repositories, except for Clang Tidy, which is a client-side tool.

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Last modified October 25, 2023