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Cloud November 2022#

These release notes are for the Codacy Cloud updates during November 2022.

📢 Visit the Codacy roadmap and let us know your feedback on both new and planned product updates!

Product enhancements#

  • Improved the performance of applying coding standards to repositories to avoid timeouts when updating hundreds of repositories. (PLUTO-83)
  • The Status column of the coverage reports list now includes direct links to troubleshooting instructions when there are coverage errors. (IO-155)
  • Codacy now supports the client-side tool Unity Roslyn Analyzers for reporting error-prone and performance issues on C# projects that use the Unity framework. (IO-96)

Bug fixes#

  • Now, Codacy asks for confirmation when you change a code pattern parameter on a repository that follows a coding standard. (PLUTO-149)
  • Fixed an issue that caused Codacy to calculate coverage taking into account the total lines of code instead of the coverable lines of code. This scenario happened if Codacy received the coverage reports before completing the static code analysis for the corresponding commit. (IO-250)
  • Fixed a situation where Codacy calculated the coverage metrics before receiving the final command, using only the coverage reports uploaded so far. (IO-236)
  • Now, Codacy correctly posts the coverage status check on the Git provider even if the coverage report uploaded to Codacy only contains data for ignored files. (IO-149)
  • Fixed a scenario where the GitLab integration failed to update a pending status check with the analysis results. (CY-6607)
  • Fixed a bug that was keeping Intercom logged in after logging out from Codacy. (CY-6605)
  • Now, the quality overview of commits and pull requests display the value = (representing no variation) using the green color if there's a quality gate configured for issues. (CY-6590)
  • Added support for the remark-lint plugin remarkjs/remark-gfm. (CY-6513)

Tool versions#

Codacy Cloud now includes the tool versions below. The tools that were recently updated are highlighted in bold:

  • Ameba 0.13.1
  • Bandit 1.7.0
  • Brakeman 4.3.1
  • bundler-audit 0.6.1
  • Checkov 2.1.188
  • Checkstyle 10.3.1
  • Clang-Tidy 10.0.1
  • CodeNarc 2.2.0
  • CoffeeLint 2.1.0
  • Cppcheck 2.2
  • Credo 1.4.0
  • CSSLint 1.0.5
  • dartanalyzer 2.17.0
  • detekt 1.19.0
  • ESLint 8.23.1
  • ESLint (deprecated) 7.32.0
  • Faux-Pas 1.7.2
  • Flawfinder 2.0.19
  • Gosec 2.8.1
  • Hadolint 1.18.2
  • Jackson Linter 2.10.2
  • JSHint 2.13.5
  • markdownlint 0.26.2 (updated from 0.23.1)
  • PHP Mess Detector 2.10.1
  • PHP_CodeSniffer 3.6.2
  • PMD 6.51.0 (updated from 6.48.0)
  • Prospector 1.7.7
  • PSScriptAnalyzer 1.18.3
  • Pylint 1.9.5
  • Pylint (Python 3) 2.14.5
  • remark-lint 7.0.1
  • Revive 1.2.3
  • RuboCop 1.39.0 (updated from 1.32.0)
  • Scalastyle 1.5.0
  • ShellCheck 0.8.0
  • SonarC# 8.39
  • SonarVB 8.15
  • Spectral 1.2.7
  • SpotBugs 4.5.3
  • SQLint 0.2.1
  • Staticcheck 2022.1.3
  • Stylelint 14.2.0
  • SwiftLint 0.43.1
  • Tailor 0.12.0
  • TSLint 6.1.3
  • TSQLLint 1.11.1
  • Unity Roslyn Analyzers 1.14.0

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Last modified June 1, 2023