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This documentation is a preview of the pull request #2074

For the latest updates and improvements in production, open instead.

Cloud March 29, 2019#

Product enhancements#

  • We now integrate with Bitbucket using OAuth2. This has allowed us to reduce the level of permissions we require when you integrate Codacy with your Bitbucket account.

  • We updated TSLint to version 5.14.0.

  • As a way of improving performance, we've stopped analysis for inactive, free, and open-source accounts and we've communicated to those impacted by this measure. This was done so we could allocate more resources to people that are actively using Codacy.

  • We removed the option to add projects using a Git URL. Projects that were added before February 12, 2019, will continue to be analyzed as usual.

  • As part of our performance improvement measures, we've implemented an upper limit of 150 KB for file sizes that should be considered for analysis. This means that:

    • These files won't show in the UI as ignored
    • Some projects that weren't analyzing before will now be able to analyze
    • Some projects will take less time to analyze
    • Some projects will have fewer issues as third party libraries issues covered by this limit won't show
    • Some projects will have more issues because the analysis batch in which they're inserted won't fail
    • Although most of the files that are now being ignored will be third-party dependencies and generated files, there is still the chance that some files that are actually development code and should be analyzed won't be. This is a global setting and is currently not customizable per-client (that option is only available for Self-hosted customers)

Bug fixes#

  • Fixed a bug where it wasn't possible to unignore a file
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn't possible to add Bitbucket integration in the project Settings -> Integrations page
  • Fixed a bug where pull requests weren't analyzing when a branch was renamed
  • Fixed a bug where the "Unignore issue" button wasn't working
  • Fixed a bug where webhook notifications were being sent with incomplete information
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users to save changes in project Settings when using Firefox 61
  • Fixed a bug with PHP_CodeSniffer "PHPCS_Internal" pattern that was generating false positives
  • Fixed a bug with PHP_CodeSniffer deprecated parameters customSanitizingFunctions property and WordPress.CSRF.NonceVerification that were generating false positives
  • Fixed a bug that was causing Cppcheck to fail analysis
  • Fixed a bug where the Merged Pull Requests view was showing a blank page
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn't possible to invite new team members from the Commit page
  • Fixed a bug where the Codacy status page link was broken
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn't possible to remove a user from an organization if the user had a special character in the name
  • Fixed a bug where some links in the page were broken
  • Fixed a bug where a user was having to confirm access to their Bitbucket account every time they logged in to Codacy
  • Fixed a bug where the link to "See all files" on the coverage applet in the project dashboard wasn't clickable
  • Fixed a typo in the Pull Requests page in the "possible fixed issues" message

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Last modified November 25, 2022