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This documentation is a preview of the pull request #2074

For the latest updates and improvements in production, open instead.

Cloud November 2, 2018#

Product enhancements#

  • Improved Issues Breakdown UI on the dashboard:
    • Removed project’s number of lines of code making it easier to understand the issue split percentage.

Bug fixes#

  • Fixed a bug in which Pylint wasn’t generating issues.
  • Fixed a bug in which private projects returned a blank page for unauthorized users instead of a 404 error page.

Tool updates#

  • Updated RuboCop to version v0.59.2
  • Updated ESLint to version v5.7.0
  • Added support to TSLint 5
    • Previous versions are no longer supported.

New tools#

  • Added SwiftLint to Codacy.

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Last modified November 19, 2021