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Organization Slack integration for Security issues#

The organization Slack integration for Security issues sends notifications to a Slack channel of your choice whenever Codacy detects new critical Security issues in the default branch of any repository in your organization.

Installing the Slack integration#

To install the Slack integration:

  1. On Slack:

    1. Access the Incoming WebHooks page on the App Directory of your Slack account.

    2. Select the channel where you want to receive notifications and click Add Incoming WebHooks Integration.

    3. Copy the Incoming WebHook URL (it starts with

  2. On Codacy:

    1. Open your organization Integrations, page Slack.

    2. Paste the Incoming WebHook URL in the field and click Install Slack.

    Slack integration installation

Once the Slack integration is installed, Codacy sends a confirmation message to the Slack channel you configured when creating the Incoming WebHook. From there on, Codacy notifies you on the same channel whenever a new critical Security issue is detected in the default branch of any repository in your organization.

Slack integration message

Uninstalling the Slack integration#

To uninstall the Slack integration, open your organization Integrations, page Slack, then click Uninstall Slack and confirm.

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Last modified November 17, 2023