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This documentation is a preview of the pull request #2074

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Adding a Codacy badge#

Add a Codacy badge to the README of your repository to display the current code quality grade or code coverage of your repository.

Codacy badge on the codacy/docs README

To obtain your Codacy badge, open your repository Settings, tab General, select the markup language, and copy the generated code to your README file. You can also add a badge for your coverage if you have set up code coverage for your repository.

Codacy badge

To display the grade or code coverage information of a different branch analyzed by Codacy, append ?branch=<branch_name> to the URL of the badge. For example:

Fixing your Codacy badge#

The Codacy badges for your repository may become unavailable or grayed out if the analysis or code coverage information for the last commit isn't available, or if you renamed or re-added your repository on Codacy:

Greyed out Codacy badge

To fix each badge:

If these steps don't fix your Codacy badges it can mean that the badges are no longer valid. In this case, repeat the steps above to replace the existing badges with new ones.

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Last modified August 26, 2022