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This documentation is a preview of the pull request #2074

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Codacy Self-hosted includes a built-in NFS server provisioner that deploys a shared volume to cache the cloned repository files while they're being analyzed by each tool. However, if you're dealing with big repositories or a high volume of analysis, using an NFS server external to the cluster will improve the performance of the cache.

To use your own external NFS server:

  1. Edit the file values-production.yaml that you used to install Codacy.

  2. Set listener.nfsserverprovisioner.enabled: "false" and define the remaining listener.cache.* values as described below:

        enabled: false
        name: listener-cache
        path: /data
          server: <NFS_SERVER_IP> # IP address of the external NFS server
          path: /var/nfs/data/ # External NFS server directory or file system to be mounted
  3. Apply the new configuration by performing a Helm upgrade. To do so execute the command used to install Codacy:


    If you're using MicroK8s you must use the file values-microk8s.yaml together with the file values-production.yaml.

    To do this, uncomment the last line before running the helm upgrade command below.

    helm upgrade (...options used to install Codacy...) \
                 --version 13.0.0 \
                 --values values-production.yaml \
                 # --values values-microk8s.yaml
  4. Validate that the repository-listener pod is now using the external NFS server:

    $ kubectl describe pod -n codacy codacy-listener-<...>
        Type:      NFS (an NFS mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod)
        Server:    <NFS_SERVER_IP>
        Path:      /var/nfs/data/
        ReadOnly:  false

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Last modified May 25, 2023